
Gruma (Mission Foods)


Gruma is the leading worldwide manufacturer of corn and flour tortillas and one of the largest companies in Mexico. This is their first Australian purpose built facility.

Being the largest of its type in Australia at the time of construction, the facility features multiple production lines and environments for varying categories including wraps, pita pockets, pizza bases, flat bread, tortillas, tacos and corn chips. 

Vaughan Constructions extensive experience in the construction for the food industry was a key factor in its appointment to design and build this facility.


The top end fixtures and fittings resulted in the facility becoming one of Australia’s highest quality food manufacturing facilities. The building design supports the efficient flow of product from manufacturer to storage and distribution, to ensure product integrity and shelf life. 

Factory 18,400m2
Office 3,706m2
TOTAL 22,106m2  
Canopy 2,119m2
Pavements 13,793m2



Facility Space


